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Tim Noakes beats charges

Professor Noakes, known for his advocacy of the Banting diet, was charged by a professional organisation with misconduct.

TIM NOAKES’ three year battle has finally come to an end. On Friday, four of the five members of an independent panel, found the controversial professor, not guilty of unprofessional conduct.

The debacle stems from a 2014 response Noakes made on Twitter to a new mother’s question about her infant’s diet. He suggested to Pippa Leenstra, that she wean her child onto a low-carbohydrate, high-fat (LCHF) diet. Leenstra had tweeted the professor and nutritional therapist Sally-Ann Creed, asking them if it was safe for mothers to be on the “Banting diet” (the well-known alternate name for LCHF) while breast-feeding.

Professor Noakes is notorious for the book, The Real Meal Revolution, in which he promotes a LCHF diet.

The charges against Noakes were brought in 2014 by  Claire Julsing-Strydom, and he has been battling the Health Professionals Council of South Africa (HPCSA) for the past three years. Julie-Strydom is a former president of the Association for Dietetics in South Africa.



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