Petition started to protest Transnet feral cat stance

The petition which was started by animal NPO, Cats of Durban are at odds with Transnet over their new strategy to manage stray animals.

AN uMhlanga animal lover has urged residents in and around the area to sign a petition protesting Transnet’s proposed removal of feral cat colonies from buildings owned by the company in the south of Durban.

The petition which was started by animal NPO, Cats of Durban are at odds with Transnet over their new strategy to manage stray animals was put up on, an online activist network.

Tracey Hartley of the Feral Cat Rescue Trust, feeds more than 100 cats in more than 20 colonies in and around Durban. She said feral cats colony were an asset to any property and right decision was to leave them where they were.

“I feel the best move is to leave the feral cats where they are. They have been there for decades and are an asset for the property. I urge residents to sign the petition to not let these cats die in vain.

“The removal of these sterilised colonies will just make way for new unsterilised cats to move in and the breeding will start all over again. Feral cats are beneficial for pest control. Rats and mice spread disease to humans and cause endless damage by chewing through wires and fabrics,” she said.

Leave them where they are

Hartley said any company would rather have cats than rats any day.

“If they are removed and taken to the SPCA, they are deemed unhomable and that unfortunately is how it would end for the cats as the organisation don’t have enough cages. It has been proven time and time and time again that feeding, trapping, sterilising and releasing is the only solution to this man-made problem,” she said.

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