10 drunk drivers arrested in uMhlanga roadblock

Two of those charged with drunk driver were also arrested for reckless and negligent driving.

DURBAN North SAPS held a roadblock on the M41 going towards uMhlanga on Friday night resulting in the arrest of 10 drunk drivers. According to Col Rene Dlamuka, of the station, two of the 10 drivers were also charged with reckless and negligent driving after causing an accident.

The drivers arrested on the night now means that in the last 10 roadblocks held at night, 127 drunk drivers have been arrested and charged.

Last month, station spokesman, Capt Raymond Deokaran, spokesman for the station promised there would be more roadblocks during the course of the year.

“Too many motorists are still risking their own safety as well as that of other road users by driving their vehicles after they have consumed alcohol. We cannot continue to ignore the problem and allow drunk drivers to take to the street,” he said.

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