Over 600 rhino poachers, traffickers arrested

A total of 1 054 rhino were poached in 2016, compared to 1 175 in the same period for 2015, representing a decline of 10.3 per cent.

THE number of poachers and traffickers arrested for rhino-related poaching offences in South Africa has doubled.

“During 2016, the South African Police Service reported that a total of 680 poachers and traffickers were arrested for rhino-related poaching offences nationally. This is a marked increase in arrests from 317 in 2015. A total of 1 054 rhino were poached in 2016, compared to 1 175 in the same period for 2015, representing a decline of 10.3 per cent.  Specifically for the Kruger National Park, a total of 662 rhino carcasses were found in 2016 compared to 826 in 2015. This represents a reduction of 19.85 per cent in 2016,” Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa said on Tuesday.

From the total number of arrests made, 417 were both within and outside the Kruger National Park.

Minister Molewa said she is pleased with the progress taking place at the Kruger National Park, as the area is the hardest hit by poaching.

A total of 148 firearms were seized inside the park in 2016, and six just outside the park.

In a statement released Molewa highlighted the progress made on the implementation of the Integrated Strategic Management Approach.

She said the strategy, which comprises four pillars, namely compulsory interventions, managing rhino populations, long-term sustainability interventions and new interventions, is yielding the desired results.

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