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Waterkant Road sinkhole concern for cyclists

The maintenance of the cycling lane is problematic says Durban North resident.

A SINKHOLE on Waterkant Road is causing alarm among cyclists, residents and motorists. The hole, which is in the designated cycling lane, has started to form between the pavement and the tarmac. The sinkhole, which had been fixed in May last year, has begun to collapse again. Durban North resident and avid cyclist, Aroon Patel said the narrowness of the cycling lane could lead to disaster if two cyclist riding abreast of each other saw the sinkhole late.

“We ride in big groups and often time the leader will spot something and signal to the other cyclists. However, if two cyclists riding abreast of each other hit this at high speed, it may end in serious injury. The major concern is the sinkhole has been forcing cyclists to move on to the road, endangering themselves and motorists.The maintenance of the cycling lane is problematic,” the Cycle Specialists Cycling Club chairman said.

“As a group, we use this stretch regularly, several riders have had to take evasive action to avoid hitting the sinkhole. We need the hole fixed as soon as possible, with it being darker in the mornings, it’s making it harder to see. One of the cyclists I know refuses to ride the route because of the poor maintenance. He was put out by R20 000 after the frame of his bike was damaged after he hit the sinkhole.”

Patel said he would be informing other cycling groups on eThekwini Cycle Safe Forum committee Facebook page.

“I don’t want this to become incident based. Last year, besides the sinkhole we had problems with the overgrown bushes growing out over the cycle lane. Now there’s a lag between the cutting and clearing of debris. The last time the sinkhole formed in the middle of the lane, now it’s begun to sink closer to the pavement. There could be a problem with drainage which is weakening the structure of the road surface,” he said.

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