Spike in uMhlanga muggings

In one of the incidents, a couple was held up by three suspects who were allegedly armed with a knife.

DURBAN North SAPS and Enforce Security has warned of a spike in common robberies in the uMhlanga area. In the last week there has been three incidents of suspects targeting pedestrians who work in the area. According to Capt Raymond Deokaran, spokesman for the SAPS, there were two incidents on Friday alone, on Meridian Drive and Equinox Road.

“In the first incident three men threatened to physically harm a couple if they didn’t hand over their cellphones. Though no knife was produced, the suspects told the victims they would be stabbed. The men then made off on foot,” he said. “In the second incident, two men snatched a cellphone off the desk at a business.”

Dean O’Brien of Enforce Security said the suspects were targeting call-centre staff members and people who worked in the area.

“I’m aware of three incidents that have taken place so far in the area, there has been a slight spike in muggings. I urge people to be vigilant and aware of their surroundings. We have CCTV footage of one of the incidents and have operations in place to catch the criminals,” he said.

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