Eight arrested in uMhlanga roadblock

Police concerned by the number of drunk driving arrests in recent months.

EIGHT people were arrested for various offences in a roadblock on the M41 in uMhlanga on Saturday night. The joint operation between the Durban North SAPS and the Road Traffic Inspectorate (RTI) saw the arrest of three drivers for being in possession of drugs, while five others were arrested for drunk driving explained station spokesman, Cpt Raymond Deokaran. This brings the number of drunk drivers arrested to 91 in the last eight roadblocks.

“One of the drivers pulled over was in possession of cocaine and he tried to hide the bag in his car. Two others were arrested for being in possession of dagga. A further five drivers were arrested for drunk driving. What was particular worrying was these drivers were nabbed just after 8pm, which is relatively early in the evening.

“As a station we’ve made the decision to hold more roadblocks in the area, both during the day and at night as part of a new crime fighting-strategy. This is a warning to drivers, if you do decide to drive intoxicated, you will be arrested, no excuses,” he said.

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