5 top tips to turn waste into worth this Christmas

You don’t have to spend a fortune on decorations this Christmas.

IF juggling Christmas shopping with a tighter budget is getting you down, try recycling and repurposing old household items into creative Christmas decorations. Not only will your home get an updated look this Christmas, your children will be entertained by helping create these family-friendly decorations.
Recycling and Economic Development Initiative of South Africa (REDISA) has these tips to turn your waste into worth this Christmas:

Christmas Card Garlands

Rather than throwing away old and outdated Christmas cards, consider turning them into garlands to hang along your wall, mantel and Christmas tree. If you would prefer to keep the cards, use old cardboard boxes and get the kids involved to help decorate them with bright paints and pens. Don’t forget that pile of junk mail and old magazines – all scraps are welcome here.

Snowflake Lanterns

Give your glass jars a new look and a new lease on life. Bright ribbons, tea light candles and carefully cut decorations will leave your jars glowing. You could also consider using paint to get the look you need. Spread them throughout your home, along with some Christmas cheer.

Wine Bottle Centre Pieces

Along with repurposing your glass jars, you can use old wine bottles to spruce up your Christmas table. Some simple twine wrapping will give you a rustic look, while glitter and paint will make your table sparkle. The options are endless.

Lightbulb Decorations

Lightbulbs don’t need to glow to brighten up your home this festive season. In fact, old globes can come in handy when decorating Christmas trees. Brighten them up with spray paint and then all you need is some string to get these goodies hanging just right. If you’d like to add a personal touch, get your children to add finger print designs.

Hand-Made Christmas Globes

If your junk drawer is overflowing with scraps of wrapping paper, ribbon and bows, then consider giving your old and faded Christmas globes a fresh look. Simply glue your decoration leftovers onto the globes, or create brand new globes using cardboard cutouts as your base.

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