Investment scam targets businesses

The scam involves a company falsely claims that it is running a programme in partnership with the dti.

THE Department of Trade and Industry (dti) has issued a warning to the public about a scam targeting businesses looking to conduct trade and investment with the rest of the African continent.

“It has come to the attention of the dti that a company by the name of Intergovernmental Development Marketplace (IGDMp) is circulating a letter to companies inviting them to participate in a Trade Invest Africa initiative at a cost of R7 500,” said the department.

The company falsely claims that it is running a programme in partnership with the dti to assist companies to participate in the Intra-Africa marketplace, and to be preferred suppliers or contractors to provide goods and services to all African countries in a government-to-government procurement programme.

The department said any company that is approached to pay for a service to be rendered by Trade Invest Africa or the dti should contact 0861 843 384 or 012 394 5000 to report the matter.

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