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Going beyond the Mo

Monies raised will go towards two very important initiatives of the Prostate Cancer Foundation.

RESEARCH has shown that black men have a higher risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer and even if diagnosed early, are more likely to die from the disease. This is according to urology specialist and chairman of the medical and scientific advisory board of the Prostate Cancer Foundation, Professor Shingai Mutambirwa. He said these statistics highlight the need for more research into the disease.

“We are confident that we will see some breakthroughs in how we treat and manage this disease. The up-side for local and regional research is that our cohorts of black men with their higher risk may supply some breakthroughs as to causes,” he said.

Movember draws to a close today and money raised from the initiative will go towards two important projects of the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF).

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men, but it often reaches an advanced stage before it is diagnosed because there are usually no symptoms in the early stages of the disease.

“Movember has had a huge impact on prostate cancer awareness and testicular knowledge and research. Now with its support for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of South Africa, we can look forward to even more advances in the future control and possible eradication of this cancer in our country,” Prof said.

Andrew Oberholzer, CEO of the PCF, added that Movember has partnered with PCF to set up a helpline to guide patients and their families through their treatment options and to give emotional support for patients and their families. It also provides guidance for men who are not sure when they should be screened.

Although Movember is about 30  days of action to stop men dying too young, the programme does not end at the end of the month.

This year’s Movember campaign finishes 10 December, so you still have time to make your moustache stand out, host an end-of-Movember
event or do one more epic move. Give it all you’ve got, Mo Bros and Mo Sistas. Donate at movember.com and help change the face of men’s health.

For more info, download the Movember app on your mobile device. Follow Movember on social media:
@MovemberRSA on Twitter or facebook/MovemberSouthAfrica. Prostate Cancer Helpline – 084 283 3982.

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