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‘Remote jammers’ caught in the act

One suspect intercepts the signal while his accomplice helps himself to items in the boot.

FOR months, Durban North residents have been plagued by incidents of remote jamming. Earlier this year, Northglen News featured an article where police warned about a syndicate operating in the Durban North and uMhlanga areas.

At the time, Durban North SAPS spokesman, Captain Raymond Deokaran, confirmed that they were investigating more than 20 theft out of motor vehicle cases since the beginning of August.

Today two alleged remote jamming suspects were spotted in the Durban CBD, interfering with a remote signal. The images were circulated via KZN crime groups.

In the first photograph, a suspect is seen using the remote jamming device to jam a signal. His friend is then seen walking towards the vehicle that’s signal was jammed and finally, the second suspect is then seen helping himself to packages in the boot.


The accomplice is walking towards the vehicle
The accomplice walks towards the vehicle.


47SR_Remote3 (Large)
The accomplice helps himself to items in the boot of the vehicle.

Police are now searching for the men, who were caught operating in the Anton Lembede Street area.

There are steps that residents can take to avoid becoming a victim of remote jamming :

  • Ensure that there are no valuables that can be seen from the outside of the car
  • Be alert of people standing nearby when you park
  • Report any suspicious activity to centre management, security guards or police
  • Check that the vehicle is locked before walking away
  • Check that the boot is locked
  • Use a car jamming detector

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