Plan to eradicate the crime scourge

Have your say on how to fight crime in the Greenwood Park policing district.

GREENWOOD Park Police are urging residents to join in the fight against crime that is ravaging the communities of Effingham and Avoca. The police are so serious about the situation that they are holding an Imbizo that they say is aimed at improving their service delivery.

W/O Leon Audh of Greenwood Parks SAPS said they want as many people as possible to attend the Imbizo and to give their input. Residents living in Greenwood Park and Redhill have also been encouraged to attend.

“This will be the perfect arena where you will get to understand the plight of the community and police. Input gathered from the community and the police on the day, will be used to assist us all, in restructuring our approach with regards to community safety,” he said.

In August, police increased its manpower in the Greenwood Park policing district following the spate of hijackings.

Audh added that residents will be able to chat directly to Greenwood Park SAPS senior management and heads of all the station’s units about crime affecting their communities and what police are doing to eradicate the scourge.

The Imbizo will take place at the Greenwood Park Hall situated at the corner of Chris Hani (North Coast) and Buxton Road on Wednesday (16 November) at 6:30pm.


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