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Petition to ‘ban the bang’ still underway

Local activists are continuing their fight to ban the sale and use of 'loud bangs'

“IN the last few years firework celebrations have gotten worse and worse,” said Durban North resident, Andrea Ording-Jespersen. This is why she and other activists are continuing their fight to ban the sale and use of ‘loud bangs’ – also known as nuisance fireworks.

Last year was the worst, and we pretty much expect the same for this year’s celebrations. We have already received reports of fireworks being set off in the last two weeks in La Lucia and Glenashley,” she said.

According to the City’s by-laws it is illegal for the public to detonate fireworks on any day, ‘except for those days and times declared by the Council as religious, cultural or ceremonial’.

Thus far the residents have collected over 1 600 signatures for their petition, Petitioning Fireworks eThekwini.

The idea for the petition was ignited last year when Ording-Jespersen received an overwhelming response to ban fireworks in the Mvoti community. The biggest issue said Ording-Jespersen, is that people are not reporting the illegal discharge of fireworks.

“People don’t want to take responsibility. If a neighbour is shooting fireworks illegally people must report it, and if Metro receives enough complaints they will have to respond,” she said.

eThekwini Metro Police spokesman Superintendent Sbonelo Mchunu confirmed that Metro officials will be dispatched to complaints to investigate whether there has been a violation of the by-laws.

Ording-Jespersen said she had noticed the same apathy in residents throughout the petition process.

“Only recently have people taken a true interest in the petition. Unfortunately it is a seasonal issue and people are now growing nervous. In the last three months alone we have collected over 1 000 signatures,” she said.

The resident said the aim of the petition was not to ‘whitewash’ the firework celebrations, but more about facilitating consideration.

“We are not ‘party-poopers’, but we want the eliminate the nuisance fireworks that causes distress to children, the elderly, people who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorders, people with autism and animals,” she said.

The petition can be signed at the following locations: June’s Soap Shop (Umhlanga Rocks Drive), Wimpy Glenashley and Spade Designs (Lothian Road).

Nuisance fireworks refers to fireworks that produce a screech or noise, or is being altered or misused that has the effect of creating fear or disturbance to residents. These include fireworks such as air bombs, supersonic bangs, sound shells, fountain whistles and screeches.


Designated times for discharge of fireworks:

Diwali – 7pm to 10pm
Guy Fawkes – 7pm to 10pm
Christmas Eve – 9pm to 10pm
New Year’s Eve – 11pm to 1am
New Year’s Day – 7pm to 10pm

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