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Rhino export claims denied

The Minister of Environmental Affairs has denied social media allegations that rhino calves had recently been exported to Vietnam.

MINISTER Environmental Affairs, Dr Edna Molewa has refuted allegations that rhino calves are being exported to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Molewa said that false information is being circulated on social media.

She said the department did not recommended the export of rhino calves to ‘a zoo in Vietnam’, as the rumors have claimed.

“To export live rhinoceros from South Africa, export permits are required in terms of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (NEMBA), 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004). Furthermore, there has to be engagement between the CITES Management Authorities of the exporting country and importing countries,” she explained. 

Non-profit organisation, Outraged Citizens Against Poaching (OSCAP) as well as the Species Survival Network, she added, have since filed a Promotion of Access to Information (PAIA) request with the department around the alleged exports.

“In line with the department’s commitment to transparency and accountability we will comply with the PAIA process and respond within the prescribed timeframe,” she added.


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