SAA warns public of scams

The airline is not running any competition which offers free tickets.

SOUTH African Airways (SAA) on Tuesday warned the public of several scams running on social media. The first scam claims that customers have been ‘selected’ to participate in a ‘short survey’ and get two South African Airways tickets’ for free, with customers directed to

“SAA’s website is The airline is not running any competition which offers free tickets,” said SAA spokesperson Tlali Tlali.

A second scam targeting SAA customers is also making the rounds. This is a false URL used for phishing for personal information from customers on

“We have taken note of these latest scams circulating on social media and distributed on other channels suggesting customers have been selected to take part in a short survey and get two South African Airways tickets. We distance ourselves from any communication which is misleading the public and makes false claims while pretending to be an official SAA channel, or those seeking to obtain personal information,” said Tlali.

The airline urged members of the public to be cautious, protect their personal details and cross check or verify information with the company before they decide to participate in competitions or other dubious requests for personal information.

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