Blazing fun set for golf day fundraiser

Support the Pink Phoenix Cancer Foundation’s Annual Golf Day.

JOIN the Pink Phoenix Cancer Foundation for its first Annual Golf Day, which takes place on Thursday, 3 November at Mount Edgecombe Country Club.

“Bring your A game and your lucky clubs and try and win a Honda Jazz by getting a hole-in-one on the 9th hole,” said the foundation’s project manager Michelle Luyt.

The aim of the event is not only to raise funds for one the non-profit organisation’s many initiatives, the Kids 4 Life financial aid project, but also to create awareness with regards to cancer.

“It is going to be a fun-filled day with lucky draws, raffles and auctions – be there or be square,” she added.

Cost per four ball is R2 200 (individuals and smaller groups can be accommodated).

To sponsor a hole or prizes please contact Michelle on 082 457 5737 or


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Support the charity golf day, hombres!

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