Corruption hotline results in R340m recovered

18 076 cases had been referred to departments and feedback on 16 752 (93 per cent) cases was received.

PUBLIC service and administration minister, Ngoako Ramatlhodi says the successful investigation of cases of alleged corruption reported to the National Anti-Corruption Hotline (NACH) has resulted in the recovery of R340 million from perpetrators.

Addressing the media on Thursday as Chairperson of the Governance and Administration Cluster, Ramathlodi said the Public Service Commission’s NACH, which can be reached on 0800 701 701, continues to assist whistleblowers report corruption without fear of victimisation.

As at 31 August 2016, 18 076 cases had been referred to departments and feedback on 16 752 (93 per cent) cases was received.

Of the total number of cases referred, 16 547 (92 per cent) were closed.

“The closure rate underscores a commitment by departments to investigate allegations of corruption as reported through the NACH. Since the inception of the NACH, a total of 3 570 officials were found guilty of misconduct related to corrupt activities reported through it,” he said.

He said the types of sanctions against officials that were charged and found guilty of misconduct between 1 September 2004 and August 2016 include 1 694 officials who were dismissed from the Public Service; 438 officials who were fined; 133 officials who were demoted; 913 officials who were given final written warnings and 392 officials who were prosecuted.

Minister Ramathlodi said all senior managers in the public service are expected to disclose all their financial interests by 30 April of each year.

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