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eMdloti’s water-restricted residents fight back

The residents blocked the town’s reservoir valves in protest to the ongoing water restrictions.

THE situation reached boiling point earlier today as dozens of eMdloti residents prevented City officials from switching off their reservoir valves in protest to the ongoing water restrictions. It has been nearly a year since the restrictions were first implemented at the coastal village, and now the residents say they have had enough.

The group parked two of their vehicles over the valves at the main traffic circle, opposite the taxi rank. When City officials arrived they refused to move and demanded answers with regards to the restrictions. Officials eventually left the site without switching off the valves.

Everybody else has water. They can wash their cars while me must shower with buckets to conserve as much water as we can,” said Monique Broughton, a 2nd Avenue resident.

Restrictions are still being implemented twice a day from 9am to 4pm and 9pm to 4am.

The residents have once again stressed that they understand the need for the restrictions, but their frustrations were due to the fact that officials have not stuck to the schedule, nor attempted to communicate any amendments to the community.

“We don’t want to water our gardens, we just simply want to be able to know when water will be available,” explained Silvia Havemann, who also lives on the south side of eMdloti.

“We were told when the Hazelmere Dam reaches 60 per cent the restrictions would be lifted. The dam is now over 60 per cent and this is not happening,” she said.

Broughton said she believed there is something ‘sinister’ going on. “We had has water when the dam was at 27 per cent. Why are we still being restricted now, and where is all our water going?” she asked.


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