Full house for Durban North Baby Home

With the arrival of the sixth baby, Blessing, the staff at the home are now excited to witness their first adoption.

WITH the arrival of a sixth bundle of joy The Durban North Baby Home has reached its full capacity. Now an elated Joanne and Bjorn Teunissen, the couple who launched the home in December last year, have made a desperate appeal for formula donations.

“The community has been absolutely amazing from the very beginning. Whenever we have made an appeal we have received donations. For the new baby, we have already received tons of new-born clothes. We also have a lot of regular volunteers who come and spend time with the babies,” said Joanne.

However, with four of the six babies still on formula stocks quickly run out, she explained. As the baby home is a registered non-profit organisation it is completely dependent on donations.

The newest member of the home, Blessing, is two months old. According to Joanne he was abandoned by his mum at a local hospital.

In March the home, which strives to provide a safe and loving haven for orphaned, abandoned or legally surrendered infants until they can be adopted, took in its first four babies.

Since then Joanne said it has been a full time job not only trying to rally donor support, but also filing paper work, running to doctor visits and appointments with Child Welfare, but also taking care of the babies.

“Now we are excited to see our first adoption. That is ultimately what the home is about,” added Joanne

Contact Joanne on jo@peaceagency.org.za.


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