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SA local municipalities reduced

The country’s eight metropolitan municipalities and 44 district municipalities will however remain unchanged.

THE number of local municipalities in South Africa has been reduced to 205 following the Local Government Elections, the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) recently said. IMC chair and Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs David Van Rooyen said the country’s eight metropolitan municipalities and 44 district municipalities will however remain unchanged.

“The number of local municipalities has been reduced by 21 to 205 and we now have in total 257 municipalities across the country,” said Van Rooyen.

As a result of the change, the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) will monitor the amalgamation of the affected municipalities. The department will also deal with any outstanding transitional issues.

“Now that elections are over all thought inevitably begin to turn to the metros and councils, along with the new mayors and new councillors. CoGTA has been preparing for the aftermath of the elections for some time. All systems are in place to ensure an efficient and effective local government,” said the minister.

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