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Contaminated beaches should be closed

A sewage leak at Blackburn Village is currently flowing into the Ohlanga River before reaching the uMhlanga Lagoon.

BEACHES in and around North Durban are still contaminated with effluent from several sewage leaks in the area and should not be opened. That’s according to uMhlanga ward councillor, Heinz de Boer, who said that there had been more than five sewage leaks, stretching from Danville Avenue all the way to the uMhlanga Lagoon.

Last month the eThekwini Municipality closed several beaches as a precaution to ensure the safety of residents and holidaymakers due to the extensive structural damage following heavy rains. However, De Boer, said he feels the beaches are still not safe.

He added a burst sewerage pipe at Blackburn Village, which is yet to be fixed, is flowing in to the Ohlanga River and then flowing into the uMhlanga lagoon.

“We’ve had several sewage leaks in the Durban North and uMhlanga areas because of the heavy rains and all the effluent has been draining into stormwater pipes, before flowing into the sea. I believe affected beaches should not be opened because they are still contaminated.

“The leak in Danville Avenue for example took more than five days for the city to fix and most of the effluent washed into the sea. We have to make sure the people are kept safe from water-borne diseases. The heavy rains has also led to many sewerage pipes being clogged with sand which has caused blockages, which in turns causes the pipes to overflow,” he said.

He added several of the sewarage pipes around the area would overflow again if there was a heavy downpour.

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