‘Reck and neck’ case opened after Virginia crash

A case has been opened following Virginia crash says chairman of the CPF.

CHAIRMAN of the Durban North/Umhlanga CPF, Haden Searles, has confirmed that a case has been opened against the driver of a Ferrari involved in Sunday night’s crash at Virginia circle. The matter is currently under investigation by the Durban North police station.

The driver who crashed the luxury vehicle, valued at more than R4-million into the rockery display at the circle, is still in hospital. The 52-year-old is in a critical but stable condition.

“I’ve been assured by the station commander that a case of reckless and negligent has been opened. The matter is under investigation and detectives are working on witness statements. There have been claims on social media that two vehicles were involved who were driving at high speed, however, there has been no witness statements to that effect. I urge residents who witnessed what happened to come forward,” he said.

Searles said the community of North Durban were in an uproar following the incident.

There has been numerous accidents at the bottom of Mackeurtan Avenue.

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