Durban North granddad attacked by dogs on Beachwood beach

The 58-year-old diabetic was bitten by two dogs who were off their leashes.

A FAVOURITE pastime for a Durban North resident turned into a nightmare on Monday after he was attacked by two dogs, who were off their leashes, on Beachwood Beach. Allan Balee, suffered several bite marks and grazes to his calf and thigh and tried to fend the dogs off him by flinging sand in their faces. He spent a day in eThekwini Hospital and is now currently using a walking stick.

The attack has once again highlighted the ‘dogs on leash’ debate. Balee said the owners of the dogs have taken full responsibility for the attack but he insisted that dogs should always be on the leash. Doctors told the 58-year-old diabetic he was lucky the dogs missed his femoral artery and that his jeans cushioned the impact of the bites. He was also given a tetanus shot to prevent infection.

“I love the beach and I’m either there fishing, with my friends or with my three-year-old grandson. It was about 7am in the morning and I noticed these two dogs running in my direction. Their owners were about 25 metres behind them and I thought nothing of it, because I’m not afraid of dogs. As they got closer one of the dogs immediately grabbed my shin, I went into total shock and surprise and in the process of trying to push them away, I knocked my glasses off my face. I couldn’t see where they were.

“I then remember falling backwards and the other dog joining in. I was very aware of protecting my throat and face and I began throwing sand at their faces. The owners eventually dragged them off me. I was taken to hospital and my jeans were soaked in blood. The doctors were concerned of my blood sugar levels. I was lucky the bites missed my femoral artery. I had bites to my thigh and calf,” he said.

Balee said while he didn’t want to blow the attack out of proportion, he believes all dogs should be on leashes in public spaces, especially on beaches.

“I must give credit where its due, the owners took full responsibility. They visited me in hospital and at home while I was recovering. They were very sorry for what happened and have been fantastic in their response, however, my main point, is dogs should be on leashes in public spaces. Dog owners have the right to walk their dogs but I also have the right to walk freely on the beach. I have a three-year-old grandson and what if he had been with me? I just want other residents to take more responsibility for their pets,” he said

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