Prestondale resident shocked by Home Affairs bungle

Prestondale resident said she feels like a 'second class citizen' after being denied Smart ID Card.

A PRESTONDALE pensioner has described her disbelief at being turned away from a Homes Affair office. Jill Shanks (77), who was applying for the new Smart ID Card at the Commercial Road branch was told she did not qualify for the new ID because she wasn’t born in South Africa. The new Smart ID system was introduced in February 2014.

Shanks, who holds a South African ID book and South African driver’s license has lived in the country since 1964, was born in Zambia. The resident said she was bewildered by the confusion at the Home Affairs office and said she felt like a ‘second-class citizen’.

“I think there are quite a few residents who fall into this category. I waited for a long time and when my turn to be photographed came up, the lady took one look at my green ID book and said, “I’m sorry, our system isn’t geared up for you”. I was a little angry and confused and it became apparent that even though I had voted in nearly every election in South Africa, hold a citizenship, have an ID book and a driver’s license, I was still not able to qualify for a Smart ID Card.

“The government had been saying what a great asset having one is and it’s sad that I can’t have one. There’s been nothing in the news about this and I think they are a number of people living here in South Africa who were not born here. Why introduce something like this when not everyone can have one?” she said.

Home Affairs official, Thabo Mokgola, confirmed that Home Affairs offices don’t cater for people born outside South Africa regarding the Smart ID Card.

“I’m awaiting more information from the spokesman, Mayihlome Tshwete, but as far as I’m aware, people who are born outside South Africa cannot apply for a Smart ID Card,” he said.

There has been no response from Tshwete despite several calls and e-mails.

Northglen News reporter, Shiraz Habbib who was born in Ireland, was also turned away by Home Affairs officials on Friday last week. Habbib was told that ‘provisions would be made, hopefully by next year’ and that he would not be eligible for the new Smart ID, this despite him having a green ID book.

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