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Ocean wrecks Virginia aeroplane

The ocean waves had severely thrashed and mangled the light aircraft after it crash-landed on Virginia Beach.

ON Sunday afternoon, authorities finally managed to salvage the plane that crashed on Virginia Beach over the weekend. However, by the time the plane was pulled from the shoreline, the powerful breaking waves had severely mangled the light aircraft.

Emergency services were called to Virginia Beach (near the Beachwood Country Club) at around 4.30pm on Saturday after the pilot was forced to perform an emergency landing.

Reports have suggested that the engine malfunctioned during the flight on Saturday, however this has not been confirmed. While the left wing of the plane broke off during the crash-landing, all three occupants survived.


Several attempts made to recover the plane failed that afternoon. Heavy machinery was eventually brought to the scene, but this too proved futile. According to Moz Mostert, a local pilot who was assisting with Sunday’s salvage efforts, the left wing had been buried under sand.

He said waves had quickly covered the plane with sand after the crash, which bogged it down and made the recovery process next to impossible.

When the Northglen News visited the crash site on Sunday morning, the mostly intact plane had been reduced to a devastating wreck.

A heavy rigging company had been hired to salvage the plane on Sunday.

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