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UPDATE: Recovery of Virginia plane wreck fails

Heavy machinery failed to recover the wreck from the Virginia Beach last night.

ATTEMPTS to salvage the plane that crashed on Virginia Beach yesterday remain fruitless.

Heavy machinery was brought to the scene late last night to pull the wrecked plane off the shore. But this too proved futile.

According to Moz Mostert, a local pilot who was assisting in this morning’s salvage efforts the left wing, which broke off during the emergency crash-landing, was caught under the sand.

He said waves had quickly covered the plane with sand after the crash. The wing was now bogging down the plane, making the recovery process next to impossible.

When the Northglen News visited the crash site this morning the mostly intact plane had been reduced to a devastating wreck.

The front of the plane, the tail as well as the right wing had been mangled by the thrashing waves.

Ron Mitchell, who was also part of the operation said before the crash the plane was taking part in the Durban Formation Weekend event.

The pilot, co-pilot and a passenger, survived the incident.


For more images of the wreckage click here.

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