Rinaldo’s Robot Man stabbed in armed robbery

The long-standing resident took on two knife-wielding robbers in his home.

IT was a traumatic morning for Rinaldo’s Robot Man, Terry Schult and his wife Susan, when they woke up to two armed men robbing them in their Glen Anil home.

What’s more the 60-year-old mechanic was stabbed during the incident that took place between 1am and 2am this morning.

Speaking to the Northglen News, Terry’s son Sean, said the couple had fallen asleep on their couch the night before the incident.

Two suspects later made their way into the home and leisurely snatched various cell phones, tablets, a laptop and jewellery.

“They even slipped the gold chain from my mother-in-law’s neck while she was sleeping,” said Sean.

During the raid the couple’s puppies began yapping and barking, waking Terry from his sleep.

When he awoke to the knife-wielding men, Sean, said he went into a ‘fit of rage’.

“My dad hit one of the suspects with a plastic baby chair and in the tussle he was stabbed in his right forearm,” he said. Both suspects fled the scene.

According to Sean the couple is still in shock but have calmed down from their experience.

His first instinct after hearing about the incident, he said, was to hug them both.

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