Man arrested after uMgeni house break-in

The suspect had stolen three phones from a home on High Grove Road.

A HOUSE breaker who was found with a stolen phone in his possession was arrested in uMgeni Park on Thursday morning. The suspect had allegedly broken into a home on High Grove Road at about 11am. According to Marshall Security’s Tyron Powell, he had dropped two other phones he had also stolen from the same home while using the bushes along Wedgewood Crescent to make his escape.

“We received a panic signal from a client in Wedgewood Crescent. The resident reported that the suspect was on a neighbour’s property. The response officer entered the property and after a brief search, he found and arrested the suspect. He was found in possession of an iPhone 6, which had been stolen in a house break-in in High Grove, Umgeni Park earlier in the day. He stole three phones and he stated that he had dropped the other phones in the bush while running,” Powell said.

Brian Daish, chairman of the Greenwood Park CPF Sector 4, said he was pleased with the arrest and urged the community to work together.

“It was great to see the residents and local security working together to make the arrest. I encourage residents to take an active role in the CPF and neighbourhood watches to make uMgeni Park a safer area. We’ve seen a spike in crime in the area and we cannot solely rely on the police. We need to work together,” he said.

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