uMhlanga UIP takes a stand against illegal signage

Vandals struck under the cover of darkness, defacing municipal property with hundreds of illegal posters.

ILLEGAL signage is costing the uMhlanga Urban Improvement Precinct (UIP) thousands of Rands and hundreds of hours of manpower every year.

Following a recent incident of vandalism along Tanager Road, McCausland Crescent and Lighthouse Road, Dewet Geldenhuis of the UIP said they were taking a serious stance against the illegal activity.

“We have placed the UIP guards on high alert and are investigating our options of opening an official case of vandalism at the SAPS,” he said.

The vandals, he said, struck under the cover of darkness on Sunday night, plastering over 100 advertising posters all over municipal dustbins, poles and even rocks.

“It is ridiculous and unacceptable. Just like graffiti, this kind of vandalism is unsightly and takes hours to clean up. There are legitimate ways of advertising in uMhlanga,” he added.

On Monday, eight members of the UIP spent eight hours scrubbing and scraping the posters off the municipal property.

Geldenhuis appealed to community members to alert the UIP of any such activity by calling the emergency line – 086 111 2050.

“If we can catch them in the act we can have them arrested on the spot,” he said.

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