Netball girls shoot for international success

A local netball team, KTK Netball, is hoping to travel to Orlando, Florida in October to compete in the Disney International Youth Netball Tournament.

A GROUP of passionate Durban netball players is determined to embark on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to participate in the Disney International Youth Netball Tournament at the end of the year.

However, to achieve this goal, the 30-odd aspiring athletes of KTK Netball are facing the exceptional challenge of raising thousands of Rands to fund their endeavour to the United States. Over the last few months, when they are not practising on the courts, the young women have dedicated hours to organising and running various fundraisers, including book sales and raffles, to do just that. By December last year, they had assimilated R22 000.

Last week, the Northglen News caught up with four of the girls to learn more about the hype surrounding the international event.

Catherine Harman and Anele Mkhize, of Durban North, as well as a sibling duo from Mount Edgecombe, Jodi and Mia Lee, all agreed that it would be an exceptional opportunity for their sporting careers.

“It’s a great opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the best international coaches in the world and also to go up against some of the top international teams. The event would definitely enhance our skills and careers,” said Jodi.

Fellow teammate, Mkhize, said it would also be a honour to represent the country at the tournament, which will see junior teams from Australia, Caribbean and the United Kingdom descend on Disney in Orlando, Florida from 23 to 29 October.

At the event, the participants will take part in coaching sessions, tournament matches as well as off-the-court fun with teams from around the world. Altogether, they are hoping to take three teams of 10 girls (two U16 and one U14) to the US.

In reaching their dream, the girls have not forgotten about their community and those in need and as such have pledged to donate a portion of all funds raised to three organisations – The La Lucia Baby Home, HomeHouse and Soccer 4 Girls.

Two seasoned coaches, Kerry and Kate Purnell along with team manager Tania Erasmus founded KTK Netball in 2015.


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