Locals attempt World Record for charity

The group are attempting to raise funds for CHOC and will be playing a 36-hour Action Cricket Marathon called The East Coast Challenge.

A GROUP of local residents are attempting to set a Guinness World Record in April while also raising funds for the Childhood Cancer Foundation South Africa (CHOC). The announcement came just a few days after International Childhood Cancer Day (15 February). The group who are attempting to raise funds for charity will be playing a 36-hour Action Cricket Marathon called The East Coast Challenge at the Action Sports Centre on Rinaldo Road.

Northglen News recently caught up with Prestondale resident, Nick Ferreira, who came up with the idea to find out what the East Coast Challenge is all about.

“A bunch of mates and I have an action cricket team and we thought it would be a cool way to raise funds and awareness for such a worthy cause. We’ve attempted this record before, a few years ago, and we completed the challenge, but we weren’t able to provide all the material to the Guinness World Record people, which meant we couldn’t set the record.

“My team mate, Pierre Roetz and I decided it was time to try again and the guys quickly rallied around the idea. For me personally, my mom was recently diagnosed with cancer and seeing her go through this pain and knowing that there are little children facing the same pain and tribulations is heartbreaking,” he said.

Ferreira called on the residents and companies to support the charity initiative.

“We are calling on all companies and individuals in the KZN area to enter a team for the East Coast Challenge and join us in putting on a brave effort over 36 hours with a bat and ball, all in the name of good fun and a worthy cause,” said Ferreira.

To enter a team into the East Coast Challenge, visit www.eastcoastchallenge.co.za and book your time slot online. Alternatively – for more information about how you can get involved in this event, email info@eastcoastchallenge.co.za.

The attempt takes place on 9 and 10 April.

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