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Trish: 94 and still going strong!

Trish is the oldest playing member of the Northlands Bowling Club.

AT first glance you would be unable to accurately guess the age of local resident, Trish Campbell. It is hard for anyone who does not know her to believe that she is six years shy of being a century old.

Last week the sprightly elder celebrated her 94th birthday at the Northlands Bowling Club with a friendly match and confectionery treats.

Not only is she the oldest playing member of the club, but she has also maintained her independence. She is still able to safely drive her car and read without glasses.

“I don’t feel old at all,” she said. “And I don’t know how I got to this age. Years just pass you by, especially when you have grandchildren. You are so focused on watching them grow up that you forget time passes you by. Luckily I have bowls and people, like my family and my friends to keep me young,” she said.

Campbell attributed her longevity to living in moderation and having a positive attitude.

“I do everything in moderation. I occasionally have a drink and I don’t smoke. I believe the power lies in positive thinking and having a positive attitude. I have had to go through several operations, one on my wrist, and every time I thought that I would never be able to play again, but then I realised that I still wanted to play so I just kept playing,” she said

Fellow bowlers at the club all praised Campbell and her vivacious love of life.

When she is not playing bowls Campbell, a retired market researcher, enjoys walks on the beach and running her knitting circle. “We also try and donate the knitted items to organistions that are in need, such as the SOS Children’s Villages,” she said.


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