Fatima girls ace IEB exams

The school's Dux, Grace Lehnerdt's aggregate earned her a spot in the country's top five per cent of achieving matriculants

WITH the release of this year’s Independent Examinations Board (IEB) matric exam results, Our Lady of Fatima Dominican Convent School pupils have yielded excellent results.

Not only can the school boast a 100 per cent pass rate and a 95 per cent Bachelor Degree pass rate, but the school’s Dux, Grace Lehnerdt’s aggregate earned her a spot in the country’s top five per cent of achieving matriculants.

Lehnerdt earned seven As and her highest marks were for mathematics (94 per cent) and science (88 per cent). “I have always been a mathematically minded person,” she said when asked about her top subjects.

The bright-minded pupil gave a lot of credit for her achievements to her teachers, saying, “My teachers helped me a lot. They were always available when I needed help”.

However, she admitted that she also had to put in a lot of effort to achieve such top results.

“Preparation is important. I worked through many past papers and spent time studying at school during study leave,” she said.

For next year’s matriculants Lehnerdt suggested consistent hard work. “Do not try and cram work at the last minute. Focus on earning good marks for your portfolio and pay attention in class,” she added.

Lehnerdt said she plans to study medicine and the University of the Witwatersrand next year and dreams of becoming a doctor. Fellow pupil and runner up Dux, Nikita Kohler, also scored 7 As and a 86 per cent aggregate.


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