Pink Phoenix inspires hope

The Pink Phoenix Foundation urged the community to support the high tea fundraiser at the Coastlands Hotel in uMhlanga in aid of breast cancer awareness.

THERE are a four things that are important to beat cancer, according to cancer survivor, Sharon van Straaten. These are early detection, nutrition, treatment and most importantly, a positive mindset.

It is for these reasons that the uMhlanga resident and founder of the Pink Phoenix Foundation urged the community to support the high tea fundraiser at the Coastlands Hotel in uMhlanga.

Not only will the event raise some much-needed funds for the organisation, but cancer survivors will be inspiring hope as well as encouraging and emphasising the importance of regular check-ups for early detection through their talks.

“Our aim is to educate and inspire cancer patients; to inform them that cancer is not necessarily a death sentence. Research has shown that 90 per cent of recovery depends on the patient’s attitude,” said Van Straaten, who was diagnosed with stage two throat and stage four lymph cancer in 2009.

She has been in remission for five years.

Her partner, Michelle Luyt, is also a cancer survivor. She was diagnosed with stage three lung cancer three years ago.

“Cancer is unpredictable and does not discriminate. The only way to beat it is through living a healthy and positive lifestyle,” she added.




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