‘Leave Virginia where it is’: Daryl Mann

The city needs Virginia Airport says Glen Anil aviation expert.

THE billion rand proposed development set to replace Virginia Airport has been slammed by Daryl Mann, owner of Aero Natal, who is leading the fight on behalf of the operators. He has accused the city of obscuring the process which he argues has been mired in secrecy.

The unsolicited proposal from Seaworld Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd recommends the redevelopment of the Virginia Airport site into a mixed-use development worth R6.1-billion which would include a hotel, upmarket residential houses as well as leisure and related developments

The Glen Anil resident said in his opinion, the best possible solution for the airport is for it to remain where it is.

“We’ve never said we won’t move, we’ve asked for constructive dialogue to find a solution and a way forward. The city has not sought our opinion on the matter and we consider ourselves to be experts in the aviation field.

“The city have made it clear the airport needs to close its doors because it does not generate any income for the city but there is no guarantee that a move to Scottburgh would boost investment,” he said.

The 61-year-old added he was dissapointed with the city’s underhandedness regarding the matter.

“The best possible solution for the airport is for it to stay where it is. Our flight circuit and safety record speak for itself. If I could make a recommendation, it would be for the city to extend the runway by a 100 meters south.

“It would mean pilots would get airborne quicker and over the sea, thus eliminating any danger of flying over houses,” he said.

City needs Virginia airport

Mann said the city needed Virginia because of its proximity to the CBD. Mann, who has more than 40 years in the aviation industry, believes the city’s proposed development is premature.

“Most of the residents around Virginia would rather have the airport than some massive development. You can build houses and hotels anywhere but you cannot replace an airport. The importance of an airport so close to the city cannot be overstated,” he said.


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