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Desperate plea for help

The parents of a little girl diagnosed with a rare heart condition urgently need help.

THERE is a desperate race to find an organ donor for a 5-year-old girl diagnosed with a complex heart abnormality. Amy Miller was diagnosed with Hypolplastic Left Heart Syndrome at birth, a condition that her mother, Tash Miller, says if left untreated, is fatal. Her family is now making an urgent appeal to the public to come forward – Amy needs a heart urgently and her family is desperate.

On the website, Heart Kids, Tash and her husband Mike made a heartfelt plea in which they said: “ It’s now up to you to make a decision to give life and to enable the professionals to changes lives. One cannot express enough the difficulty in asking other parents, who have lost a little angel, to help another one’s angel. In death and tragedy there is and can be life.”

Amy’s journey has been captured by her parents on the website, www.heartkids.co.za, and to find out what to do if you know of a heart donor, contact the Organ Donation Foundation on 0800 226 611 on Mondays to Fridays from 9am to 4pm and on 084 741 9484 after-hours.

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