Photographer dons tutu for cancer awareness

To lift the spirits of his ailing wife the endearing photographer slipped on a pink tutu and snapped a wonderful series of photos.

OCTOBER is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and as expected, the social media sphere has been abuzz with various message of hope and education.

However, one of these messages that has been trending on various platforms started with a simple wish. Photographer, Bob Carey, simply wanted to ease the suffering of his ill wife, Linda, and bring some joy to her life while she battled the dreaded disease.

To do this, the endearing man put on a pink tutu and photographed himself in various funny poses at some of the most breathtaking sites across the globe.

This was the start of the Tutu Project. Not only has he managed to make his wife smile, but he has also shed some hope, inspiration and joy among millions of other cancer patients.

From leaping off rocks and diving into the ocean, Carey’s initiative has not only raised breast cancer awareness but has also been raising funds for breast cancer patients.



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