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Elderly woman accidentally smashes into wall

An elderly woman escapes with minor injuries after was stuck between a wall and her car.

PARAMEDICS reported that a 78-year-old woman was left with minor injuries this morning after her car hit a wall in Umgeni Park. According to Kyle van Reenen of Crisis Medical, the woman accidentally hit the accelerator instead of the brakes.

“She was then stuck between the wall and the car. Bystanders had to move the car before she could be freed from the vehicle,” he said.

Van Reenen said paramedics arrived on the scene and found the woman lying on the floor – she had sustained minor injuries. Van Reenen said the elderly woman was taken to hospital in an ambulance.

In June this year, a car, also driven by an elderly woman, smashed into the front window of a popular pharmacy in Durban North.

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