Donate and save a life

According to Dennis Ngongoma of SANBS, the current shortage is as a result of the flu season. "The change of season means that a lot of people are battling the flu," he said.

DUE to a major blood shortage in the province, Our Lady of Fatima’s Interact Club will be hosting a blood drive in the parish hall on behalf of the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) on Friday, 18 September from 10am to 6pm.

According to Dennis Ngongoma of SANBS, the current shortage is as a result of the flu season. “The change of season means that a lot of people are battling the flu.

“People are not allowed to donate while they are ill. People should wait at least one week after they have experienced any symptoms before donating blood,” he said.

The Sunflower Fund will also attend the event, enabling the public to register as bone marrow donors. The expansion of the registry gives leaukemia patients a better chance of finding their one-in-100 000 lifesaving match.

The school’s matric pupils have made a pledge to register as blood, bone marrow and organ donors once they have celebrated their 18th birthdays, and encourage their fellow matrics to follow suit.


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