Vigilant neighbour thwarts Durban North robbers

Due to the quick-thinking of a Buttery Road neighbour the robbers were only able to flee with a television and safe.

A CONTRACTOR working at a home in Durban North found himself staring down the barrel of a gun when a gang of armed robbers forced themselves onto the Buttery Road property. The suspects’ efforts were thwarted by a quick-thinking neighbour, who activated his alarm.

The three men reportedly gained entry onto the premises by forcing open a pedestrian gate at around 12pm. They then held the worker at gun point as they broke into the house through a glass sliding door, said Brian Jackson, of Blue Security.

Fortunately a neighbour spotted the commotion and activated his alarm, interrupting the robbers. The men fled with only a television and a safe, containing valuables, in a blue Toyota Corolla.

Jackson urged residents to brief contractors working on their properties  implement and maintain tight security measures. “Unfortunately, having workers on site does not reduce the risk of a property becoming a target for criminals. Homeowners should remind contractors to ensure that gates and doors are locked when they they are working on site. Never leave a gate open for an extended period of time to allow workers to fetch and carry tools from a vehicle parked outside,” he said.

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