eMdloti vandals deface duiker signs

Vandals struck in the early hours of the morning, defacing several posters along Bellamont Road which urge the community to drive slowly to protect the local wildlife.

BRAZEN eMdloti vandals have stirred outrage among the community after they defaced a series of signs along Bellamont Road which urge motorists to drive slowly in consideration of the local wildlife.

A red permanent marker was used to scribble onto the laminated posters placed by Bellamont resident, Renée Royal. Some of the cacography included profanities, particularly directed at monkeys.

The posters were erected as a response to the death of three duikers along the winding road in the space of three weeks.

According to posts shared on the eMdloti 568 Community Facebook page, residents have determined that the vandal struck between the hours of 6am and 7.30am yesterday morning.

Royal said she felt shocked and sadden by the vandal’s lack of respect for the community’s wildlife. “To me the worst part of the incident is that it shows that there are people who have no regard for the animals and will willfully try and harm them,” she said.

However, she said that their actions have not discouraged her from raising awareness with regards to the wildlife. “We will simply replace the signs and continue with our objective,” she said.

Terry Muller Rens of the eMdloti Urban Improvement Project said the actions of the vandal’s actions showed ‘a total lack of connection to your neighbours and fellow residents, and we have to wonder why someone with this mentality chooses to live in Bellamont Road in the first place’.

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