Annual Koi Show makes a splash

Make your way to the SA National Koi Show at the Gateway Theatre of Shopping this weekend, where hundreds of koi enthusiasts will be showcasing their private collections.

THE tranquil sounds of running water and the constant flashes of gold, yellow, white and black ripples within the water features have made local koi enthusiast, Gerard Loumeau’s home one of the most relaxing places in Umgeni Park.

The 62-year-old, who has been keeping koi fish for more than 20 years, will be showcasing at this year’s SA National Koi Show to be held at The Gateway Theatre of Shopping on 25 and 26 July.
Some of the top koi aficionados will be attending the premier event – showcasing the best specimens from their private collections.

With over 400 of these oriental beauties expected to be on show this year, the South African Koi Keepers’ Society will have world-renowned judges coming over from the United Kingdom, Holland and Thailand to judge the koi entries, together with local South African judges.

Additionally, the public will also be given an opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the best koi dealers and experts from across South Africa, who will be able to offer advice and assistance to anyone interested in this fascinating hobby. Loumeau said he was bitten by the koi bug several years ago when he planned to add a small water feature to his garden. “The chairman of the KZN Koi Society at that time, then introduced me to the world of koi fish,” he said.


Over the years, his collection has grown to 15 various species of koi fish.

Loumeau is hoping that the latest fish to his collection, the shusui, will perform well at this year’s show, as well as his maruten kohaku. His prized scaly beauties have earned Loumeau the reserve grand champion, supreme champion as well as the mature grand champion titles at previous shows.

The show runs from 8am to 5pm on Saturday, 25 July and 9am to 3pm on Sunday, 26 July. Entrance costs R20 per adult and R10 per child under 12. Contact Dean Britz on 083 242 2765.

We are giving five pairs of tickets to our readers. All you have to do is fill in the form below and stand a chance of being picked in our lucky draw. Competition closes on Friday, 24 July at 10h00 am.

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