Altruistic uMhlanga teen inspires change

A once in a lifetime trip to Eshowe has ignited an altruistic passion in 16-year-old uMhlanga Ridge resident, Michelle Currie.

WHILE most teenagers are focused on homework and social media, 16-year-old Michelle Currie finds the time to pursue her altruistic passion.

The uMhlanga Ridge resident spends most of her spare time rallying donor support for Zulusponsor, an organisation based in Eshowe that aims to help people affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, especially orphans and vulnerable children. Currie has been following in the footsteps of her older sister, Nicole (21), whose efforts to complete her President’s Award for Youth Empowerment introduced the Currie family to the dire needs of the Eshowe community in 2004.

“It was a complete culture shock. I could not believe how little these people had. The first time we went, the children didn’t have any toys or books. What rocked me to the core was the fact that the little ones did not smile. Now they come running to the car when they see us. Watching them grow up and become more and more empowered is so rewarding,” said Currie.

Currently, the Danville Girl’s High School pupil is gearing up for a winter drive and has appealed to the community to donate blankets and warm clothes.

She is also collecting sanitary products for the older girls in the community. The family will be returning to the community in August to deliver the donations.

“That day, back in 2004, definitely opened my eyes and made me realise that I needed to help others, even if it meant spending hours e-mailing potential donors and sifting and sorting though bags of donations. If people don’t take a stand, nothing will change, and I firmly believe that everyone deserves a change for the better,” she said.

Currie and her mother are willing to collect any donations. Contact Esther on 082 930 5094.

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