Silver Fox still silky smooth on the waves

Every month the Northglen News will profile sporting heroes who compete across a wide spectrum of sporting codes. These could include World or SA Champions or even rising stars who look set to take the sporting world by storm. Either way, if they are excelling or are passionate about the sport they play, then they stand a chance of featuring as our ‘Homegrown Sport Talent’ page.

THE South African surf landscape is home to some larger than life characters. In fact, you could definitely call them legends, who paved the way for the sport, Names like Shaun Tomson, Errol Hickman, and Spider Murphy come to mind. uMhlanga is also home to one of those legends in the form of Chris ‘The Silver Fox’ Knutsen. The former Beachwood Boys’ High School pupil holds four International Surfing Association (ISA) world titles, a number of South African titles and was the youngest person ever (at the age of 14) to be selected for a Springboks surfing trail.

That record still stands today. An avid cyclist, Knutsen cycles around 100km every week in addition to ripping up the waves along Durban’s beachfront. But these achievements offer only a glimpse into the surfing legend’s life. Hard work, dedication and being the ultimate family man are what keeps him going.

Northglen News recently caught up with ‘The Silver Fox’ to find out where it all began.

“I was introduced to the sport by my uncle who loved surfing. He’d take me down to Scottburgh beach everyday after school to surf. The local surf lifesaving club saw this and gifted me with my first surfboard on the proviso that I surf everyday and I amounted to something,” he said. “Surfing just ignited something in me, you are just so free out on the waves and so close to nature, with the sun behind you, nothing could be cooler.”

Chris Knutsen.

When the Knutsen family moved down to uMhlanga, Chris became a regular at the Bay of Plenty Beach.

“I made friends with a few of the surfers along Durban’s shores, but Shaun Thomson had the biggest effect on me. He was a little older than I was but he ignited this competitive spirit within me. Having said that, he also inspired me to push myself further. One day, Shaun’s father, Ernie, called me aside and said ‘Did you see that wave Shaun just surfed, he ripped it. One day you’ll be able to surf like him’. It was something I will never forget, and it was a huge motivation for me to hear that,” he said.

What followed was one of the most decorated careers in surfing that continue to this day. In 2013, he won the Grand Kahuna’s division of the ISA World Masters Championships in Montanita, Ecuador. This made four world master titles but Knutsen says one of his most cherished memories was surfing his first international event in Hawaii.

“Every surfer dreams of going back to the home of surfing. It was amazing. I don’t think I slept on the 27 hour flight over, I was just so excited to be going to Hawaii,” he laughed.

Knutsen also believes in giving back to the local community by supporting fledgling surfers. He was one of a number of former champs who recently help form the South African Surfing Legends.

“The idea is to inspire, develop and mentor future generations of surfers through the celebration of our rich surfing heritage. South Africa is home to great surfers but we lack that edge on the world stage and it is because other countries, like Australia and the USA mentor and offer all their expertise to young surfers. I feel we are able to step in and fill the void and produce future world champs. I’m confident we can do that,” he said.

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My Favourites
Fave sports to watch: “Aside from surfing obviously, I love watching cycling and rugby.”
Fave food: “Anything spicy”
Fave TV show/channel: “I would have to say Animal Planet”
Fave musician/band: “U2”
Fave quote: ‘Keep the Stoke’

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