Friendly fin-footed visitor for uMhlanga Rocks

Seal on uMhlanga main beach just 'resting', says wildlife officer.

A SUB-Antarctic seal has garnered a lot of attention  on uMhlanga’s main beach. The male seal is believed to have followed a shoal of sardines up the coastline and is now ‘taking a well-earned break’ on the rocks in uMhlanga, according to Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife officer, Basil Pather.

The seal was spotted on Sunday night on the rocks near the lighthouse. The area has been cordoned off to protect the seal from becoming distressed.

Pather, who is the conservation manager at the Beachwood Nature Reserve, said it was not unusual for seals to beach and rest on the shores.

“This is quite a common occurrence in winter as the seals chase the sardines along the coast. We have had a few incidents where seals come up onto land to rest and slip back into the water just as quickly. They come ashore to rest after a good meal, or after swimming long distances. They may even bring their young onto land for a short period.

“This guy just needs more recharge time. We are grateful to uMhlanga Urban Improvement Precinct, which posted a guard overnight to watch the seal as well as cordon off the area so that people don’t stress the animal out,” he said.

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