CPF Nite Run helps xenophobic victims

CPF Nite Run use event to help victims of xenophobic attacks.

FOLLOWING the ongoing xenophobic attacks on foreigners around Durban and the country, the organisers of the Durban North/Umhlanga CPF decided to use the recent Autumn Nite Run at the Crusaders Sports Club as a platform to collect items to help refugees.

CPF member, Andrew Wood, said the series was a community event and it was hoped that it could be used to make a change to the current situation, which has left thousands homeless and fearing for their lives.

“I saw the call by councillors Heinz de Boer and Shaun Ryley on the morning of the event and I thought this is a community event, and what better way to help victims of xenophobia by coming together. What’s going on now is criminal and horrible and as a community, we can make so much change. The Red Cross was also in attendance and the collection drive was very successful,” he said.

Both councillors are available for the collection of goods. Contact Heinz De Boer on 083 355 2343 or Shaun Ryley on 083 974 3500. Donations can also be made directly to Red Cross, whose offices are at 201 Northway (at the intersection with Umhlanga Rocks Drive).

Wood also hailed the event as a resounding success. More than 400 people took part in the Nite Run last week and the idea behind the event was to raise crime awareness, and funds for the CPF to increase their capacity for night patrols and other activities.

The plan is to have a race every quarter, which will coincide with the seasons of the year.

“The event was well attended considering the number of events in and around Durban North on the same evening. We hope the event will continue to grow from strength to strength,” he said.

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