Abandoned house used for illicit activities

Pornographic material found at abandoned house in Kiaat Place.

AN abandoned house on Kiaat Place that has earned the ire of residents is now allegedly being used for illicit activities. The home, owned by Donny Pethan, has become a haven for vagrants and petty criminals. However, now it seems the property is also being used for sex.

On Friday morning last week, members from Royal Alarms found a number of pornographic magazines and DVDs, as well as used condoms, scattered among old mattresses that had been set up inside the derelict house.

For more than two years residents have fought with the owner of the abandoned house to clear up his land. Last week Northglen News ran a story on how vagrants in the area had stolen doors, downpipes and gutters that were still attached to the house.

Vagrants have also removed a portion of the fence at the bottom of the property and used it as a thoroughfare.
Another resident, Stuart Harris, whose property shares a boundary wall with the derelict house, has come forward to demand action.

“On our side vagrants have removed the window frames and all the guttering is gone. The weeds are up to the height of our wall and the place is infested with mosquitoes, cockroaches and rats. We are very vulnerable on our side, as they can just jump over the wall. We cannot put out washing any more as we have had two lots stolen in the last month,” he said.

Harris said he wasn’t surprised by the discovery of pornographic material.

“I’ve seen men and women constantly coming out of the house day and night. I’ve seen mattresses, and it is possible people are having sex in there. I’ve also found syringes lying around. It’s a pathetic situation. How can Mr Pethan get away with this? It’s been nearly three years and nothing has changed. Surly there is a law to an issue like this. It can’t just keep being ignored. We as neighbours are suffering with the everyday criminal activity that stems from this house being in this state,” an irate Harris said.

A member from the municipality’s health department, who could not be named, has served a legal notice for the owner to clean up the entire property and the pool. The notice, which was served yesterday (16 February), gives the homeowner 10 working days to comply.

Brian Daish, chairman of sector 4 of the Greenwood Park Community Police Forum, said he had set up a meeting with the owner. But according to Daish, Pethan did not attend the meeting.

Numerous attempts by the newspaper for comment from Pethan failed.


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