Dogs kill baby mongoose on uMhlanga promenade

Attack on uMhlanga promenade shocks and saddens resident.

A BABY banded mongoose was mauled to death by two unleashed dogs at Durban View Park on uMhlanga’s promenade on Tuesday morning.  According to an eyewitness, who did not want to be named, the incident has shocked and saddened him. Durban View Park is well known for its abundance of mongoose families.

“I saw a family of mongoose crossing the promenade when the man let his two dogs out of the back of his car. They immediately chased after the mongooses and grabbed hold of one of the little ones. The dogs just mauled the poor little thing. It was just shocking,” the traumatised eyewitness said.

A car guard on duty at Durban View Park was able to take down the dog owner’s registration. The information has since been handed over to Durban North SAPS.

Dewet Geldenhuys, UIP (Umhlanga Urban Precinct) Precinct Manager, confirmed the case had been reported to him.

“The start of the promenade is very popular with dog walkers and there are by-laws in place which state that all dogs on the beach or the promenade must be on a leash. This matter has now been taken up by SAPS,” Geldenhuys.


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