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6 tips on planning interesting, healthy lunches

With the start of the school year just around the corner, use these tips to make sure your child has a healthy food intake.

Add interest: Savoury biscuits that are low in salt, together with healthy dips, are an interesting option as children may enjoy the process of dipping their food. Slices of vegetables, such as cucumber and carrot, can be dipped as well. Bite-sized portions are also fun for children, such as individual cheeses, mini pizzas, cherry tomatoes or fruit salad.

Involvement: Children who help to choose and prepare their own meals are more likely to eat them, so try to involve your child in shopping for and the preparation of their lunchboxes.

Food groups: It is important for healthy eating that your child has a range of all the food groups in one day. According to the food pyramid, the largest portion of the diet must be fruit and vegetables and grain products, followed by proteins and dairy products, with fats and oils the smallest.

Mix it up: Sandwiches, for example, can get monotonous, so as a variation consider wraps or pitas, mini pizzas or savoury tartlets.

Keep treats sensible: Snacks that are high in sugar are not ideal, and although fruit juices and dried fruit bars and rolls contain healthy elements, they are often loaded with sugar. Consider snacks such as banana bread, or banana or carrot muffins, which can be pre-made and may save you money as well. Encourage a high water intake, especially with meals.

Consider times of the day: Breakfast meals should ideally contain a range of food groups, especially fruit and grain products, as they provide a slow release of energy throughout the day. Adding sliced fruit and yoghurt to cereal or porridge is advisable. Dieticians have claimed that pizza makes a perfect breakfast or lunch, as it generally contains all the food groups.

Lunchtime snacks should contain protein, which does not necessarily mean meat. Nuts (or peanut butter) and eggs are also high in protein and healthy fats.

Click on this link for three healthy lunchbox ideas.

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