Local fishermen face beach ban

Local fishermen might be banned from tourist beaches if the guilty parties don't start cleaning up after themselves.

LOCAL fisherman might find themselves banned form tourist beaches if they don’t learn to clean up their act, said Umhlanga Tourism Chairman, Peter Rose. 

According to Rose there has been an ongoing issue with irresponsible fishing along the Durban beaches. “There are some fishermen who clean up after themselves, but there are many who don’t. They show no respect to other beachgoers, and totally disregards the bylaws,” he said. 

The Northlgen News recently visited the uMhlanga beach to determine the state, and found hundreds of fishing lines strewn across the beach, as well as several carcasses stinking up the public recreational area. 

De Wet Geldenhuis, from the uMhlanga Urban Improvement Precinct (UIP), added that the mess left by fishermen could also pose a danger to other beachgoers and can be damaging to the environment. “Despite a ton of education campaigns we are still battling this issue. It is not only an aesthetic issue, but children, pets and wildlife are at risk of getting caught on or swallowing the hooks,” he said. 
Tension generally mounts when the subject is broached, added Rose.

“Whenever the issue is brought up the fishermen highly protest against any restrictions, but they make no effort to change their ways. They argue that it is the way they have been fishing for years, but the community has change and thus change is necessary,” he said. 

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